Patrick Terminal New Timeslot Booking System

Patrick Terminal OptiBook
Patricks has launched their new OptiBook slot booking system, offering enhanced visibility of container status and streamlined slot booking processes for carriers. However, this change brings important updates for our clients:
Slot Booking Timing:
Containers can only be booked once discharged.
72 hours are provided for collection from discharge date & time.
Vessel Availability:
No pre-booked slots before discharge.
No Vessel Availability dates in OneStop.
Slot availability varies based on discharge date.
Free Days Update:
Earlier discharged containers have earlier last free days.
EDOs and clearance status are crucial before vessel ETA.
General container yard storage will commence 3 days from wharf storage date, inclusive. *reefer, hazardous & OOG commodities as upon arrival to yard.
These adjustments ensure efficiency, however require a proactive approach from our clients with providing clearances & documents. We are committed to providing clarity and support during this transition.
We will do our very best to support you and get the earliest times slots available for your container/s.
Should your container/s go into storage at the wharf due to time slot unavailability, D&D Worldwide Logistics and our carriers will not be held liable. Any and all charges relating to storage will be passed along to you.
To avoid delays and the possibility of storage, please ensure we have received your commercial documents prior to vessel arrival and if your container is coming in on a direct MBL with the shipping line, please ensure we are given sufficient notice so we can handle your Customs clearance and transport booking accordingly.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
The DDWL Team.